Tumbling and Dance 2008-2009
Shortly after the girls' preschool ended, their dance and tumbling classes came to a close as well. We didn't sign the girls up for soccer this year because it started the week that our dance and tumble classes were wrapping up. Just too many activities and not enough down-time. This same week, Kasey, the girls, and I went to Oregon (a 12-hour drive and 4 states, with 2 small kids and an infant!) to celebrate Gage and Chloe's highschool graduation. We stayed for a few days and when it was time for us to come home, we went the longer way home and went through Craters of the Moon National Monument. I have never been before, so it was neat seeing something new...plus the girls loved learning about 'hot lava rocks', hiking trails, and exploring lava tunnels. Not even a week later, Mikenna had her dance recital, and Kasey had his graduation ceremony and is now a journeyman electrician. We are all so proud of him, it has been a long 5 years of work and school and has finally paid off!!
Two weeks later, Mikenna turned 5!! I cannot believe that our baby is 5!! With the weather not cooperating and so many things going on every weekend thus far, we had to postpone her actual party but we did have a small family celebration.
Two weeks later, Mikenna turned 5!! I cannot believe that our baby is 5!! With the weather not cooperating and so many things going on every weekend thus far, we had to postpone her actual party but we did have a small family celebration.
With barely any time to recuperate from all this chaos, we all packed up the car again and drove 7 hours to Utah, for the Cook family reunion (Kasey's mom's side of the family). We stayed at the Cherry Hill Campground, went to Lagoon, the camp's waterpark, and visited with family we haven't seen for a couple years.
The kids at Lagoon
Cook Reunion: Dinner and a Show!
The next weekend was the Fourth of July, we spent it at Alcova Lake with some of my family that I haven't seen in 6+ years. It was great to see you again Bob and Ardell!! Then we were off to Worland to see Kasey's sister Kristy and her family since they were visiting as well, and also for our neice, Meagan Bertsch's wedding, which was beautiful and so much fun by the way! Last weekend, we had our first camping trip with just the 5 of us (which is just unheard of!) It was a very nice and relaxing time away... Then we saw Melanie (my little sis) off, as she starts a new beginning in Florida; We will all miss you Melly!!
And here we are now with only 2 weeks left of our summer vacation, because our oldest is starting kindergarten, yes KINDERGARTEN, we want to fit in a trip to South Dakota! I guess we will see what happens... I just hope that it slows down a bit!