Grow Old With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Ok, so 3 full months have gone by since my last post... Ridiculous, I know. Even Christmas was left undone -
A few of my favorite Christmas photos:
Isla waiting "patiently" for Christmas Day :)
My sweet and crazy little Adiee!
Sweet and Sassy Mikenna!
Christmas Eve!
They must've been super good this year! Santa brought Mikenna a new bike, Adiee a kareoke machine, and Isla the storytime Belle doll. Kasey and I bought them a kayak for this upcoming summer. It was a wonderful Christmas, it was just the 5 of us all day. We played with all of our new toys, played games, watched Christmas movies, and Kasey, Mikenna, and Adiee even took the new bike out for a spin. We facetimed with my family since we weren't at the holiday get-together.

Here's everything else the Brown Family has been up to:

January 20th - Mikenna & Adiee performed their dance "I'm a Ballerina Doll" for the varsity girls basketball game half-time show. They looked so beautiful!

The next morning (Jan. 21st), Isla performed her tap dance, "Good Ship Lollipop" for the varsity girls basketball game half-time show. What a cutie patootie!

February 11th - Isla performed her tumbling/trampoline routine for yet another varsity half-time show to, "We Are The Champions".

Her teacher asked me to make matching headpieces for their costumes!

Valentine's Day, Kasey surprised me with a bouquet of pink lillies and a Coach purse! A few weeks before, I had been "casually" (yeah right, hahaha) dropping hints that I would like one, and one night I was browsing some and happened to mention that I had found the one I wanted. I fell asleep with the website still up on my phone and Kasey bought it for me while I was sleeping! The next day when I woke up, the purse was the first thing that came up... I woke Kasey up, "I reeeeeally want this purse!" And he says, "Good! It's on it's way here" and rolled over to keep sleeping. And I went nuts, made him prove it, and his hopes for sleeping in were shot, haha.

February 20th - I had a dermatologist appointment because Kasey had noticed a new spot on my back. The girls and I went to Casper, they stayed with my mom while I went to the doctor. I had 2 suspicious spots on my back. They removed them, and sent them in for a biopsy. Pretty scary stuff, but a few weeks later they called with the results and it turned out to be nothing. Better safe than sorry.

Last weekend in February, we bought a camper. And ever since we got it home, Kasey and I have been working hard at making it our own. He has spray painted all the cabinetry with a cool "rock" textured paint, I have been painting the walls a shade of white. And just a couple days ago we tag-teamed the upholstery, he took all of the covers off the cushions while I washed them and put them back on. So they are nice and clean. I still have to finish painting the walls and I am going to be sanitizing everything once it's done. We are getting excited for camping season now! Pictures to come when it's finished.

The whole month of March was pretty uneventful, just our regular schedules with movie dates and BBQ's with good friends, and a couple parent teacher conferences thrown in (which they are doing fabulous, by the way). That is until the last weekend of the month... Read on to hear about the madness, ha!
March 30th - Adiee Grace turned SIX! I know everybody says it but it is seriously hard to believe that our kiddos are getting so old. I made birthday pancakes for the girls, stuck a candle in them and we all sang to her before Kasey left for work. The girls had dress rehearsals for their recital for 4 hours... Kasey volunteered to tackle that all on his own so that I could go for an impromptu trip to Casper (seriously, what an incredible man/husband/daddy!) While I was in Casper I picked up 2 Nintendo 3DS's (one for Adiee's birthday present, and the other for Mikenna - an early b-day present. She's been wanting one for FOREVER!) I also picked up a new pair of capris. 4 hours, and $600 later, I headed home with my mom. We met Kasey at the rehearsals, ordered a pizza and had Adiee open her gifts from my mom and us. Thanks to my mother, we are now expecting a tadpole in the mail (another flipping pet... oh jeez!) and butterflies when it gets a little warmer. It's ok though, she's really excited (they can't live too long right haha??). When she opened the Nintendo 3DS, she was SO excited, and Mikenna instantly looked devastated asked if Adiee had to share, then started to cry. Kasey took her aside and told her that we had one for her too, that wasn't the plan but he said he couldn't stand to see her like that. We told her she could have it early or wait for her actual birthday, which do you think she picked? Ha :)

March 31st - Dance Recital Day! I was busy preparing for Adiee's birthday party tomorrow - only 4 people RSVP'd so I was stressed about how many were actually going to come. I made about 2 dozen cupcakes and a cake. The cake wasn't turning out how I thought it would, not knowing how many people were coming, wondering if I had enough party supplies, dance recitals that night, blah blah blah... I ended up bawling my eyes out (Pathetic I know! But I'm a perfectionist at heart so if it's not right, then I have a tendency to freak out... Still working on that, ugh!) Then, it was time to get the girls all gussied up to dance the night away. When we got home, we put the kids to bed, made a checklist for the morning, and went to bed ourselves. LONG day.

April 1st - Let's Party! We rented the multi-purpose room and a gym at the rec center to have her party. We went to the store picked up the food and balloons, and my good friend Brittney helped Kasey and I set up the party. What would I have done without them?! Turns out, there weren't very many extra kids, so all that stressing out over supplies and food were unwarranted - why has the courtesy of RSVPing disappeared? We sang to her, watched her open presents, smacked a pinata around, had lunch and desert, and played with balls and on scooters, etc... I knew that weekend was going to be long and hard, once it was over I was so relieved but a week later, I am STILL unwinding from all that stress I felt.

Easter was a fun-filled family day. The girls woke up, found their baskets from the Easter Bunny and didn't touch them until they got Kasey and I out of bed... How good are they?! Well, they tore into those; then Kasey did his station checks since he was on call. I got the table set up for egg dying so we could tackle that as soon as he got home (we usually already have this done, but considering the weekend before... Ha!) We dyed our eggs, then went to the movie, "Mirror, Mirror". After the movie, we stopped by the house to grab their eggs, and went to a park for the egg hunt. So much fun! We headed home for some dinner and put the kiddos to bed. It was a wonderful day. I love my wonderful family!
 Dyeing those eggs!
 Found one!
Oh MY!
Our lovely little girls.
Kasey and I are truly blessed.