Grow Old With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be...

Friday, September 21, 2012


August 29, 2012 - Kasey got the best news in a L.O.N.G. time! Back at the beginning of July, Kasey asked his boss {yet again...} if he could put in for a transfer to a job opening in Salt Lake City, UT. Not even 3 months before that, he asked about applying for a transfer to the Denver area. He was expecting the same answer he got when he asked about Denver. A big, fat, NO. The main reasons being that: 1 - nobody in their right mind wants to stay in Rawlins/Sinclair so getting someone there and keeping them there is nearly impossible. 2 - the only other guy Kasey works with will be retiring soon, but no date set. Well, Kasey had a few important people pulling for him so his boss reluctantly agreed to let him at least apply. Getting out of Rawlins was still a bit of a long shot, but our hopes were sky high. I started researching the entire northern Salt Lake area - you know, just in case :) We agonized over whether or not we would get it for 2 MONTHS, weighing the odds and speculating on what might happen. The decision came down to 6 candidates, and Kasey was the most qualified for the position but the situation with his station {location and coworker} were a big obstacle and the outcome could have gone either way. Fastforward to the end of August, his boss and the Rock Springs technician Rob played a dirty joke on Kasey knowing his hopes were as high as can be. Rob told Kasey that their boss was going to be calling him with bad news, that the job had been absolved and that the tech they already have in Salt Lake was going to take over the position's responsibilities so to be prepared. His boss took a whopping 20 minutes to call him, all the while Kasey's mind is going crazy {"what am I going to tell Krista" being at the top of his list.} Kasey answers the phone and Dale tells him that he got the job. Then my jerk of a husband played the same joke on me except told me immediately after that he was kidding. Took me about 3 hours to come back from that. Kasey got the job with the stipulation that he would go back and forth from Salt Lake to Sinclair every other week to help cover his empty position until they have someone to fill it. That's going to be rough, I worry about all the 5 hour stretch he's going to be doing on the interstate in the winter. Those roads can get nasty. But it's all about the big picture here, and if that's what we have to do, so be it.
They gave us 1 month to coordinate our family's relocation. Nothing I can't handle, haha! I started packing and looking for houses right away. I was pretty worried about finding a home in a safe neighborhood with a great school in a nice town and close to Kasey's new office, etc... We decided that we really liked a town called Kaysville, UT which is only 15 minutes from his office. I called on this house that is in a great location and in the school district we wanted, we went down to take a look at it, signed a 6 month least and plan to buy by the summer if everything is as picture perfect as it seems like it will be :)
We only have 1 more week here, and we are SO excited! Kasey flies out to Pennsylvania for a class and won't be back until Friday. We will be renting a uhaul, packing it up, unpacking over the weekend, then Kasey will be at work in his new office on October 1st! We are in for quite a week/weekend, but I gotta say I am looking forward to it! Wish us luck!

2012 Summer Recap

Welp, this is the 3rd {and final, YAY!!} summer we've spent here in Rawlins. There's not much to do around here, and with neverending on-call weekends we were hardly able to leave - but as always we tried to make the best of it. We were able to sneak away to SLC in June for a few days with friends, a couple camping trips in our new {to us} camper here and there, Kasey and I had our first night in a hotel room sans the kiddos since I was prego with Mikenna {Almost 9 years ago!! Kasey had to stay the night in Casper for business, so the girls and I met him down there and they stayed with my mom while we went out for dinner and a movie. It was nice to get away for a night, just the two of us.} We celebrated our wedding anniversary and...
Mikenna Turned 8!:
She picked a restaurant called Su Casa {one of her two options, and I'm only semi-kidding. Ha!} for lunch.
She was a wee-bit embarrassed by the sombrero and the entire restaurant singing her happy birthday. Don't let her flush cheeks fool you, you know she loved every second ;)

Then we had her best friend Elena and her family over for cupcakes.

Parade Day:
Our 3 little princesses patiently waiting for it to start...

Miss Isla...
Adiee bringing daddy her candy she gathered :)

Mikenna waving at the girl riding a horse wearing a crown. Two of her favorite things right there :)
Camping Trip at Pathfinder:
First breakfast in the camper... Yummy oatmeal.
 Mikenna testing out the new kayak they got for Christmas.
 Beautiful Adiee Grace!
 Funny girl :)
 Daddy and Mikenna
Kasey pushed my kayak back out a few times before pushing too hard and dumping me in the lake! Brr! It was only June, haha. He swam out there thinking he was in BIG trouble, but was pleasantly surprised when I was laughing :) So I took advantage of being completely wet and swam with the little ones.
 Sweet babies.
Isla and Mom drying out :)
Isla lost her fingernail:

Kasey took the girls rock climbing so I could have the house to myself for a few hours. I guess while the older girls were climbing, Isla picked up a large rock and Kasey says, "Isla, put that rock down before you drop it and hurt yourself." about 3 times before she dropped it and hurt herself... She came home with a very bruised fingernail. About 2 weeks later, I had her in the bathtub and she started crying. Her nail was coming off! I've never had that happen before so I wasn't sure what to do. I called Kasey's mom and she told me to trim it all away... Ick! But I did and it's already grown back.
Kasey built his girls a doll house:
Yup! He is a stud.
Mikenna helping Dad.
Almost finished! We just need to paint, shingle, carpet, put windows in, and trim it out. But in the mean time, they love it! Lucky little girls!
School Shopping:
All their loot.
School Open House:
Mikenna is now a 3rd Grader & Adiee is now a 1st Grader!
And lucky little Isla is home with me for her last year before pre-K!
Our girls are growing up!
First Day of School:
 Adiee & Mrs. Bentsen
 Mikenna & Ms. Goodwine
 Three little monkeys climbing in a tree...
 School Girls
 3rd Grader!
 1st Grader!
Had to throw one of the "baby" out there :) Isn't she a cutie pie?!
Labor Day:
Labor Day weekend we spent 5 days at the Bear Lake KOA in Garden City, UT. Let me just say that it was the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. It's often referred to the "Caribbean of the Rockies", the water is a gorgeous turquoise blue and we went to the north shore beach where you could literally walk out 200 feet and the water still only be waist deep. We drove the Yukon on the sandy beach right up to the water, it was a nice warm temperature, and it was littered with seashells. It was an amazing time spent with Kasey's mom, Kirby & Deena, and Kyle, Windy, and their kids.
 Mikenna LOVES that kayak!
 Hunting for seashells.
 Wowsa! Great picture of baby Isla!!
 Mikenna riding the "bikini bike", that's what our girls called the banana bikes because apparently Squidward on SpongeBob has one just like it and they live in Bikini Bottom. Haha :)

That's how we "roll", haha ;)
 The Cousins {well, the ones that went}
Our sweet and sassy girlies!