Grow Old With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

January and February 2013

January wasn't a very busy month for us, school declared the 11th a snow day but we didn't even get to get out and enjoy it because the girlies were sick, sick, SICK... My poor kiddos got a glimpse of the neighbor kids outside playing in the snow while they were stuck indoors, bundled up in pajamas, robes, and slipper socks. We went to the school's family skate night at the Fun Center on the 25th, followed by parent-teacher conferences the last week of the month - and of course Mikenna and Adiee are doing fantastic!

Now February... February was an exciting month for our family! It started out slow - Mikenna had a dentist appointment and lost another tooth, Kasey and Adiee had eye doctor appointments (Adiee got new glasses that look almost identical to the ones before, she knows what she likes I guess...) and Valentines Day is always love-ly ;). Here's where it gets good... We moved to Utah 4 1/2 months ago and the plan was to live here for 6 months to a year before we wanted to buy to avoid unknowingly buying a nice house in a bad neighborhood. We signed a 6 month lease and would go month to month until we were ready to buy a home. I loved the neighborhood and the people in it, I LOVED their school and the teachers and staff in it. It was just another Friday when Kasey had a few minutes to himself and decided to hop on a real estate website. He came home and told me about this amazing house he saw that was just a few blocks from where we were now. It was a beautiful brick house with double front doors, large windows, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, and a huge yard (only to name a few of it's features), not to mention the girls wouldn't have to switch schools... again! Seemed a little too good to be true... And of course we had to find this house after banks were closed and it was long weekend - darn you President's Day! Tuesday never seemed so far away. We wasted no time, I sent an email to a loan officer even though no one was going to get it for a few days anyway (Kasey and I were too worked up not to do anything!) and she just happened to pop into her office that Monday, saw it, called us, and set up an appointment at 10 on Tuesday the 19th. Kasey had to work, the big girls had school, so it was just Isla and I at the loan application appointment. We weren't there very long before we got the thumbs up to start house hunting! She set us up with an awesome realtor and had set up to see the house that very night. Sue even had an offer written up before we even went and saw it just in case we wanted to put in an offer on the spot. Turns out, it was quite disappointing; it was way too small. That house may have not been "the one" but it did get the ball rolling!