This morning we went to breakfast at IHOP with Kyle, Windy, and the kids. Right before the food came out, Mikenna went up to Kasey complaining that her tooth was hurting. She opened her mouth and that little tooth was sticking out, and hanging by a thread. She didn't want anyone to touch it, so Windy gave her a napkin and told her to wiggle it. The very second she touched it, it came out. She was so impressed with herself for "pulling" her own tooth, and was even more excited that she was going to get more money from the toothfairy!! She had plans for it before she even got it... You know that black horse that Adiee had to have, well now Mikenna has to have one - except she wants the white one! So tomorrow we will take the money she gets from the toothfairy, plus the money she has been stashing in her piggy bank, and go get another horse (now hopefully it isn't sold out!) :)
Look at that big hole in her face!!! :) haha!
She is growing up so fast!
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