I haven't updated on Isla alone in quite some time, and now it's kind of hard because it's not a matter of what she can do, it's what she can't do that is the question!! :) She is now 22 months. She walks, runs, jumps, dances (complete with booty shakes and twirls! haha!!) and talks ALL the time! I can't even give a list of words because it would be too extensive! Isla gets her point across all the time, she can even tattle on her big sisters, let me know when she wants to eat, drink, or nap, and get my undivided attention (mama, mama, MAMA, and then proceeds to tap me (she will even turn my head to look at her!) until I respond and really listen! Cute, but sometimes annoying! haha) The list goes on... And it's been this way for quite some time! She has such a spitfire personality! :-) She is a total daddy's girl, he gets ALL the kisses he wants, I have to work my tush off to get just one! But when he is gone, I get his loves - probably the only perk to him being gone. I do believe that she will be fairly easy to potty-train, she doesn't like dirty diapers at all! Or dirty anything for that matter. When we move, we plan to take her crib side off and replace it with the toddler rails so that she can get in and out of bed. She is such a loveable little girl and she is getting soooo BIG!
I am married to the love of my life and am the blessed mother of three beautiful little girls. What else can I say?? I love the life that my husband and I have created with one another...
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