Today has another special meaning for me... Saying no to a door-to-door salesman!! I know that most of you will think this is pathetic, but I am awful, I usually give in because I can't say no and especially after they do their sales pitch and their dumb demonstration I feel bad saying no. BUT NOT TODAY!!! haha :) He asked me to write on my shirt with the sharpie he had. Ummm, No... Are you kidding, I don't want to do that. So after he did his thing - cleaned sharpie off his rag, and scrubbed my sidewalk (? don't ask me, it was supposed to compare to my oven?), I said no thank you, and he said that he would just leave this bottle of super duper cleaner with me and I wouldn't even have to pay for it for 20 days! 20 days can you believe it?!? hahaha! I just said no thank you again and that I just wasn't interested. I felt bad right after, but then when he scoffed with a well that's fine, I make $16 an hour just to walk around in this sunshine...yada yada yada... I felt a feeling of such empowerment!! :) I think I love saying no!! haha ;) Good day!
We're Moving!
9 years ago
You have been a busy blogger and mommy....I can't believe Mikenna is on her way to the first grade. I remember when Natalie was going into first, time sure does go by fast. Enjoy every little moment, soon she will be a back talking fourteen year old;) I love the new car, it looks really nice now you can come see us when you move (you will be closer to us you know;) Enjoy the summer, and good luck with the move. We hope to see you soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm so with ya. Saying no feels good when it is really what you wanted to do. I've been having that feeling lately. Good luck with your move!