Grow Old With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

We went on a mini vacation for Memorial Day: A day trip to Rapid City. Our first stop was Mount Rushmore... When we saw it from the road the girls were super excited to get out and walk around! They loved it! :-)
I dressed the girls the same on purpose obviously but when we were driving back home that night, I noticed that we were ALL in stripes! Funny :)

Next stop was The Cosmos... Now that was FUN!!!
It was such a neat place! You could feel the pull when you entered the mystery house, everyone was standing at a slant... The girls thought it was a blast!!

Here, Mikenna and Adiee are standing across from each other, and they had a level there to show that that the two platforms were straight. In this first photo, of course Mikenna is taller than Adiee...
But when they switch, Adiee now is the same height as Mikenna even though the platforms are level!! How cool is that?!? They sure thought it was!
In this picture, Kasey is in the mystery house re-enacting a scene from the matrix... Sorry Keanu, you've got nothing on Kasey!! ;-) Isla's face is funny too - she was saying "whoa", obviously very impressed with daddy's skills!! Haha :)
After we were done with our Cosmos tour, we drove on... We stopped in Keystone to get some lunch, a beautiful little town where you can spend 40 dollars on grilled cheese sandwiches. Haha :)
After lunch we went to Storybook Island, we were there for quite a while! We had so many pictures it was hard to choose just a few!
Cinderella's set... Note Adiee looking deep into prince charming's eyes! Haha :) So precious!
Now it's Mikenna who's giving Aladdin some love... Haha :) Those girls!
Isla forgave Tigger and gave him a hug even though he BIT her... This was the funniest thing! She put her hand/arm in his mouth and started screaming "Ow, Ow, OOOOWWW!!!" and would run away crying! She did it probably 4 or 5 times and I got a little video clip of her doing it! HILARIOUS! :) Everyone around got a kick out of that!
Sweet Adiee riding a "real" unicorn...
Mikenna loved this tree!
Kasey and Krista as Raggity Ann and Andy. Mikenna took the picture right as Kasey was grabbing for Isla... Look at that face! Haha :) I love you!!
The girls rode the Storybook Line, I thought Isla was going to possibly freak out once they started moving but she didn't! She absolutely loved it and didn't want to get out! This picture was taken when they were finishing up their ride.
Mikenna was reading the words on the wall, Adiee was being adorable and sitting in the Cat in the Hat's lap, and Isla's face is something else! I love my kids! :)
Last stop - Chuck E Cheese!! Something they have been waiting for all day!
Mikenna after she and dad won the race! Which was quite obviously a win! Haha
Adiee riding the carousel... She is such a happy little girl!
Isla was a hungry baby! Smiling with food in her mouth... I thought I had taught her better than that! Haha, just kidding :)

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